
Showing posts from March, 2020

It still two days. (when quarantine day)

Hai, lo pernah nggak ngerasa, nggak suka sama suatu tempat, tepatnya suatu kota sih. Tapi, lo benci akan ketidak sukaan lo terhadap tempat itu. I love that town. But every I am going to that town, I feel so sad. Sometimes I feel like, I hate when I am going to that town, I became overthinker, I think about many possibility can happen. Even when I am come back from it too. Gue mikirin kenangan gue disana, sama orang yang gue suka, gue gak suka, even gue benci, even tho Idk I hate or love. But, actually, I love that town. I've someone that I am too afraid too loose in that town. Thatsn't he mean too. Mungkin, ya mungkin, karena gue gapunya rumah disana. Gue nggak tahu ketika kesana gue akan berteduh dimana. Yes literally the physical. Duh gue nggak tau gue ngomong apa sih. I've been through so many things. And I don't know, how this anxiety come again. I never like to go home. I never like to watching tv with someone else in. I need to go back.